Monday, 15 August 2011

Councillors Call for Debate on Cornish Assembly

Councillors from the Branch have signed an internet petition urging the UK Government to have a debate in the House of Commons about a devolved assembly for Cornwall.

Cornish campaigners started the e-petition, which has the support from the MK Branch executive committee and is meant to be an easy way for the general public to influence government policy in the UK.

The e-petition can be started about anything that the government is responsible for and if it gets at least 100,000 signatures within a year of being started, it will be eligible for debate in the House of Commons. If you'd like to show your support for a Cornish Assembly you can find the petition at the link below.

MK originally started the original petition calling for a Cornish Assembly that collected over 50 000 signatures.

Councillor for Carn Brea, John Rowe said:

"… it’s important because it can trigger a debate in Parliament about the issue. After getting 50,000 signatures in the assembly campaign in 2001, the Labour government completely ignored us, despite over 10 % of the Cornish electorate stating that they wanted an assembly. I hope by triggering a debate in the House of Commons, it would be harder for the political class to sweep the issue under the carpet again because it does not suit their agenda."

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